Putting it all together: Middle and Late Childhood, EC: The Mask You Live In,Putting it all together: Early Adulthood

Each is its own page

Putting it all together: Middle and Late Childhood

As we all know, LIFE HAPPENS. Roll the dice to see what happens during years 6-12 of your child’s life.

  • 1,2= a GOOD change happens. You can either add $10,000 to your income, add an additional support, or reduce your child’s health concerns (severe goes to mild health concern, mild health concerns become a healthy child). Based on your life circumstances, pick the one that will benefit you the most.
  • 3,4= no dramatic change happens
  • 4,5= a BAD change happens. You can either lose $10,000 to your income, lose a support, or increase your child’s health concerns (severe becomes extreme and needs hospitalization, mild becomes severe, or health becomes mild health concern). Based on your life circumstances, pick the one that will impact you the least.

***(Note, be sure to recognize how this event will impact the child and its development)



As we all know, there are environmental impacts. Roll the dice to see what happens during years 6-12 of your child’s life:

  • 1= Your child has a loving, attentive and involved caregiver.
  • 2= Your child is taught by an attentive, caring instructor.
  • 3= Your child has a caregiver who is depressed and abuses substances.
  • 4= Your child has difficulty learning in school, and feels that they are “stupid.”
  • 5= Your child is bullied at school, and does NOT want to go to school.
  • 6= Your child has NO friends at school, and is learning to “hate” themselves.



Class 6: Middle and Late Childhood

Homework 6 (25 points): Answer the following questions about your child’s development


Based upon “LIFE HAPPENS”, and your environmental impacts, what changes happened in your life over these several years (e.g., gain a support may be an addition of a life partner, lose a support may mean a break up or death, gain more money may mean a promotion, lost money may mean a job loss and a lower paid job was taken)? I want you to make up something that happened to your family based upon the roll of the dice. (1 point)

How does the child’s health, your finances, your supports, your “LIFE HAPPENS”, and your environmental impacts affect the stress in your family? (state least 2 ways these impacted the stress, and at least 1-sentence (per way) explaining how it impacted your family : 2 points)

How does the child’s health, your finances, your supports, “LIFE HAPPENS”, and your environmental impacts affect YOUR child? (state least 3 ways that these events impacted your child and at least 1-sentence (per way) explaining HOW it impacted your child: 3 points)

How much technology do you let your child engage in? How do you monitor what they access? Why is this important? Explain. (5 points)

How do you promote your child’s friendships and social development? (state at least 2 things you can do to promote friendship/social, and at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining how it will promote friendships/social: 2 points)

Based upon Piaget’s cognitive development theory, what do you do to promote cognitive development and intelligence during Concrete Operational Stage? (state at least 3 things you can do, and at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining why it will promote this development:3 points)

Based upon Erikson’s Industry vs Isolation what can you do to promote healthy self-esteem in your child? (state at least 3 things you can do, and at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining how it will promote self-esteem: 3 points)

What can you do to promote healthy physical development in your child? (state at least 2 things you can do, and provide at least a 1-sentence (per thing) explanation for how it will promote this: 2 points)

How do you promote your child’s emotion regulation? (state at least 2 things you can do, and provide at least a 1-sentence (per thing) explanation for how it will promote this: 2 points)

How do you promote healthy moral development in your child? (state at least 2 things you can do, and provide at least a 1-sentence (per thing) explanation for how it will promote this: 2 points)

EC: The Mask You Live In

After watching this movie, type  a one-page reaction on the topic: What is the director’s definition of masculinity? Do you agree with the director’s opinion regarding the American definition of masculinity? Why or why not? 

Putting it all together: Early Adulthood

Class 8: Putting it all together: Emerging and Early Adulthood

This class marks a shift in the homework questions. You will now be answering for YOURSELF and not your imaginary child.


Class 8: Emerging and Early Adulthood

Homework 8 (25 points): Answer the following questions about your development.

What is your “path/passion/purpose”? (1 point) If you have found it, explain what it is. If you have not found it, what do you think you need to do to find it? (2 points)

Erikson’s research indicated that during the Early Adulthood years, we go through “intimacy vs isolation.” What type of attachment did you have with a primary care giver? (1 point) What do you think led to that type of attachment? (Give at least 2 examples: 2 points) How does it impact your attachment with other significant people in your life (i.e., intimacy or isolation) (Give at least 2 examples: 2 points)

What are you currently doing to promote your own physical health? (Name at least 2 things: 1 point) Is there something you can improve on to improve your physical health? If so, what is one reasonable step you can take toward this goal? (identify at least 2 things, and provide at least 1 sentence explaining why each thing will be helpful: 2 points)

Take the Big 5 Personality test. (1 point) How did it describe you? (1 point) Is this accurate? Give at least 5 examples (one for each personality quality) to support your answer. (5 points) What occupations fit well with your personality, skills and interests? (identify at least 2 occupations: 1 point)

Given that there is so much stress in our world/environment, describe 5 things you currently do to cope with stress. (State 5 things that you do and give a 1-sentence explanation about how each helps you cope with stress.3 points) Review the Article “52 Proven Stress Reducers”. Pick 5 new things (i.e., things you do NOT currently do, but seem to be easy enough and reasonable enough to engage in) that you can do to cope with stress. (State 5 new things you can do and give a 1-sentence explanation (per thing) explaining how it will help you cope with stress.3 points)  

( these two attachments go to this part 3 assignemnt)

(each assignment on its own page)

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