Putting it all together: Adolescence Assignment , EC : FAT City Assignment , Putting it all together: Middle Adulthood, Putting it all together: Late Adulthood Assignment

(there are 4 parts to this asignment and each on its own page and the extra credit has to be a whole page.)

Class 7: Putting it all together: Adolescence

You have been working hard at work and at establishing friendships, so you are now rewarded by EITHER: a $12,000 a year pay increase OR an additional support. Based on your life circumstances pick the reward that is most beneficial to you.

 Roll the dice to see WHEN your adolescent enters puberty: 

My son/daughter entered puberty _________________.

  • 1-2= early puberty
  • 3-4= average puberty
  • 5-6= late puberty

As we all know, there are environmental impacts. Roll the dice to see what happens during the adolescent years of your child’s life:

  • 1= Your child has a loving, attentive and involved caregiver.
  • 2= Your child is raised in family that gets along, has good communication skills (and knows how to settle disagreements in a healthy manner), and is kind and loving.
  • 3= Your child spends time with friends who drink and use drugs on a regular basis.
  • 4= Your child has begun to show symptoms of anxiety and depression, and has difficulty controlling their volatile emotions.
  • 5= Your child is bullied and school and fears for their physical and emotional safety.
  • 6= Your child’s primary caregiver has developed a serious illness. Thus, they have less physical and emotional energy, and your child worries about the caregiver’s health.

 Class 7: Adolescence

Homework 7.1 (25 points): Answer the following questions about your child’s development

How does the environmental impact affect your child? How do you as a parent, respond to this impact to best support your child? (At least 2 impacts and at least 2 ways that you provide support: 4 points)

How do you practice Authoritative parenting with your adolescent? How do you balance their need for autonomy and their need for safety? (At least 2 ways that you practice Authoritative parenting and at least 2 ways that you balance autonomy/safety: 4 points)

How can you monitor your adolescent’s “risk taking behaviors” (i.e., smoking, drug use, reckless driving, unsafe sex) and why is this important? (At least two ways that you monitor risky behavior and at least 2 reasons why this is important: 4 points)

How do you encourage mental health in your adolescent (i.e., strong coping skills, good self-esteem, good communication skills, strong social supports)? (provide at least 4 ways that you encourage mental health, and provide at least 1-sentence (per way) explain how it does/should/will help. 4 points)

How do you encourage “adult” qualities in your adolescent (i.e., integrity, strong work ethic, honesty, consciousness)?  (Provide at least 4 ways that you encourage adult qualities, and provide at least 1-sentence (per way) explaining why it should/does/will be effective: 4 points)

How do you encourage “human” qualities in your adolescent (i.e., morals, kindness, honesty, open-mindedness, non-judgmental)? Why is this important?  (provide at least 2 ways you encourage human qualities; and provide at least 2 reasons why being “human” is important: 5 points)

Class 7: Adolescence

Homework 7.2 (25 points): Answer the following questions about your child’s development

Based on Erikson’s Identity vs Role Confusion, how do you help your adolescent find “their path”? (provide at least 5 ways you can help them find their path and provide at least 1-sentence per way, to explain how it should/does/may work: 5 points)

Based on Post-Formal Reasoning, how can you help your adolescent with relativistic thought?  (provide at least 2 ways you can help demonstrate/support/teach relativistic thought, and provide at least 1-sentence (per way) explaining how it will/does/should help: 2 points)

How can you encourage healthy physical health for your adolescent? (state at least 2 things you can do, and provide at least a 1-sentence (per thing) explanation for how it will promote this: 1 point)

How did the timing of your child’s puberty impact their development? (1 point)

How can you encourage adequate sleep for your adolescent? (1 point)

How can you monitor your adolescent’s social media? Why does this matter? (provide at least 2 ways that you can monitor social media; provide at least two reasons why each is important: 5 points)

Did you have any additional stressors that impacted your family and this child (i.e., poverty income, poor health, loss of supports, loss of income)? If so, how do you think it impacted your child directly AND indirectly? (identify at least 2 negative impacts; and explain how each stressor impacts your child. 5 points)

What strengths in the family were protective factors for your child (i.e., strong family network, sufficient income, sufficient supports, strong friendships, religious beliefs)? Explain how they were protective to your child.  (Identify and explain at least 2 protective factors and provide at least 1-sentence per factor explaining how it does/should/will work: 5 points)

EC : FAT City

•Watch the Movie “Frustration, Anxiety and Tension: How Hard Can This Be”  by Dr. Richard Lavoie 

Type a 1-page answer to the following question: How can we interact with individuals with some type of cognitive deficit to enhance their learning and memory of presented material? 

Note: I know this is an old video; however, the information is still true and the format of this video (making US feel what it is like to suffer from a learning disability) is valuable. Thank you for putting up with old terminology, hairstyles and clothing 🙂

Putting it all together: Middle Adulthood

Class 9: Putting it all together: Middle Adulthood

Homework 9 (25 points): Answer the following questions about your development. Read the article the “Blue Zones.” Using information from the “Blue Zones” article, your text, your own life experience, or information you researched, answer the following questions:

Describe 5 things you can do to improve/keep your physical body’s healthy. (State 5 things and explain using at least 1-sentence (per thing), how it will keep/improve your physical body’s health: 3 points)

Describe 5 things you can do to reduce your risk of getting heart disease/ high cholesterol/ hypertension/ cancer.  (State 5 things and explain using at least 1- sentence (per thing) explaining how it will reduce your risk. You cannot list things you described in earlier answers.) (3 points)

Describe 2 things you can do to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. (State 2 things and explain in at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining how it will reduce the risk. You cannot list things you described in earlier answers.) (2 points)

Describe 2 things you can do to reduce the risk of arthritis. (State 2 things and explain in at least 1-sentence (per thing) how it reduce the risk. You cannot list things you described in earlier answers.)  (2 points)

Describe 2 things you can do to help reduce the symptoms of menopause/andropause (Depending upon your genetic sex- pick one). (State 2 things you can do and explain using at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining how itwill reduce the symptoms. You cannot list things you described in earlier answers.) (2 points)

Describe 5 things you can do to maintain/improve your memory. (State 5 things and provide a 1-sentence explanation for why each “thing” should/will/does work.) (3 points)

How long do you plan on working full-time? Explain why using at least 5-sentences. (2 points)

This life stage experiences the “empty nest”. How did you/ How do you think you will feel when all of your children leave the home and part of your identity (i.e., raising children) has changed? (Use at least 5 sentences to explain what you do/may think/feel. 3 points) What things did you/can you do to promote Erikson’s “generativity” in his “generativity vs stagnation” stage? (State at least 5 things, and explain how each will work using at least 1-sentence per “thing”. 2 points)

This life stage tends to become the “sandwich generation”, caring both for children/adult children and parents. What did you/ will you do to cope with the time, financial and emotional demands? (State at least 5 things you will do, and provide at least 1-sentence per “thing” to explain how each does/will/should help. 2 points)

The is an increasing trend for “grey divorces” after the older couple is no longer responsible for caring for children/parents. If the partners have not worked throughout their relationship to maintain physical, mental and emotional connection; and if the partners are both financially solvent, there is an increased risk for termination of the relationship. What have you done/could be done during adulthood to maintain physical, mental and emotional connection? (State at least 3 things that could be done to promote mental connection, and provide at least 1-sentence to explain why each “thing” does/should/will work. (2 points) State at least 3 things that could be done to promote emotional connection and provide at least 1-sentence to explain why each “thing” does/should/will work. (2 points)

The file i have uploaded goes with this assignment part 3 which is above^

Putting it all together: Late Adulthood

Homework 10 (25 points): Answer the questions about your development.

 in America, there are many stereotypes regarding the older population. Describe 5 stereotypes common to your culture about the elderly. How do negative stereotypes negative impact the individual? How do negative stereotypes negatively impact society? (3 points)

The average elderly adult spends more than 50% of their day watching television. In addition, the rates of obesity and ill health for the elderly, due in part to increased sedentary behaviors, is increasing. Describe 5 ways you can promote more active behaviors for your adult self. (State 5 things you can easily and reasonably do, and provide a 1-sentence (per thing) explanation for why it does/will/should work. 3 points)

Many individuals have difficult when they retire and lose a part of their purpose and/or identity (e.g., Atchley’s Disenchantment Phase). Describe 5 things you can do to maintain purpose and/or value. (State 5 things and provide at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining why it will/does/should add value. 3 points)

Often individuals may experience “caregiver burden”. Describe 5 things you can do to lessen the intensity of this burden. (State 5 things and provide at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining why it does/should/will reduce caregiver burden. 3 points)

Describe 5 things you can do to improve brain functioning. (State 5 things and provide at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining why it will improve brain functioning: 3 points)

Since loneliness is detrimental, describe 5 things you can do to improve the quality and/or quantity of your social supports. (State 5 things you can do, and provide at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining how it will improve the quality/quantity of social supports 3 points.)

Describe 5 things you can do to add meaning to your life. (State 5 things you can do, and provide at least 1-sentence (per thing) explaining how it will add meaning to your life.3 points.)

What would your “older self” tell you? State 5 things that your “older self” would likely tell you (as you are right now)? (1 point)

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