Write an analysis essay on the lego brand on the topic of deepening the 5W1H method for the company’s visual identity with
the following steps:
The 5W1H method becomes a supporting data mining tool so that the essay can describe the visual identity more specifically.
identity more specifically. The following structure must be followed!
1. Introduction
– Who is the creator/founder of the chosen brand?
– What product does it sell?
– When did this brand come into existence?
– Where did this brand first appear?
– Why did this brand emerge? Describe the solution offered!
– What is the background of this brand? Explain the brand story of the product
2. Body
Analyze a visual identity from the 5W1H data that has been obtained.
3. Conclusion
Conclusion of the essay according to the topic/title
The essay work created is a visual analysis of a particular brand, so all forms of
all forms of written statements are things that must be valid / scientific sources (literature, books,
scientific articles).