JE #5: What Do You See?: Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & Problematics
*You will need to have already read the Fuchs & Qiu article and the Levine & Markowitz article and viewed the Module #5 Slidecast in order to complete this assignment.
Answer ALL of the questions below
1) Now that you have read the Fuchs & Qiu article and the Levine & Markowitz article and viewed the Module #5 Slidecast and engaged our module on today’s pressing communication issues and problematics in the Communication Present, identify at least four (4) issues and or problematics that you as a communication scholar, think are the most important for communication scholars/practitioners/professionals/all of us to examine and prioritize. Explain why you identified those four (4) issues and or problematics.
2) Given what you know in this moment about communication, what pressing communication issues and problematics in today’s world are NOT being focused on in communication research, communication applications, and communication courses that you think should be?