topic: Postgraduate Pharmacy Residency Training: What is a Residency and How Do I Get One?
As a student pharmacist, and eventual licensed pharmacist, it will be your responsibility to directly care for patients. A thorough understanding of the importance of the topic selected (choices below) as it relates to pharmacy & patient care is essential. Please address the following four domains in your paper:
• Domain 1: Explain why did you choose this topic? Why is this topic important to you?
• Domain 2: Provide thorough Definition of the selected topic, citing supporting literature.
• Domain 3: Provide your Assessment of the importance of this topic with respect to pharmacy/patient care. Incorporate & discuss cited literature to support your contention.
• Domain 4: With this newfound or deeper knowledge of the importance of your selected topic, elaborate upon three specific ideas on how you aim to incorporate and/or apply this knowledge into your eventual practice of pharmacy
. • Length of Paper: 1000-1200 words, inclusive of references/citations
• Number of literature citations: 3 to 5,* no more than 1 citation older than 15 years old;
majority of citations must be primary literature • At least one literature citation should be obtained from the **pharmacy literature.
– Use Vancouver Citation Style for literature citations
• Header: Include your Name and Topic select