Please read these instrctions carefully!! Then, review the Rubric starting at the end on page 7-8 in the attachments of this order.
Create a Action Research paper on the topic “Holistic Impact of Caregiving on Grandparents Raising School-aged grandchildren”.
Paper should include: An Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Data Analysis (Quantitative), Ethical considerations, a conclusion, and Implimentaion. If you were to impliment this in real life “how would you impliment it”?
1. . Include the “World Cafe as the Methodology”. (Research World Cafe Methodology). This is a Qualatative Methodology.
2. The research question is: How do grandparents collaboratively identify and address the challenges of declining peer social engagement, financial burdens, and mental health sustainment while raising their grandchildren?
3. Please include these interview question in this action research paper.
Group questions: be sure the questions are participatory and reflect as a dialogue between the participants.
1. Can you share your experience of raising your K-12 school-aged grandchild?
2. What are the biggest challenges you face in this caregiving role?
3. How do these challenges impact your emotional well-being?
4. In what ways do you feel supported or unsupported in your role as a grandparent caregiver?
5. How do you think these challenges affect your grandchild?
6. What support or resources do you believe would make a difference in your caregiving experience?
7. How can the community or organizations better support grandparents raising grandchildren?
8. What changes would you like to see in policies or services to address the needs of grandparent caregivers?
9. How do you envision improving the overall well-being of both grandparents and grandchildren in similar caregiving situations?
10. What actions can be taken to enhance the relationship between grandparent caregivers and their grandchildren?