1. Paper must be of appropriate length. (10-12 pages) The body of the paper will be double
spaced. Do not include an extra line or additional space between paragraphs. Change the
settings on your word processor or accept the deduction to your grade.
2. Footnote citation is required.
3. Turabian or Chicago Manual of Style are the only acceptable bibliographic entry,
footnote citation, and paper format styles. This includes using a 1β margin and a serif font
in 10 or 12 point size, and pages must be appropriately numbered, etc. If you need help
with this please invest in a copy of Mary Lynn Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing in
History, 9th ed., (New York: Bedford/St. Martinβs, 2018). [ISBN 9781319113025]
4. The bibliography must indicate an exhaustive search of materials. It should not be
limited to merely a list of works cited in the paper.
5. Get started on research early. I find most projects take twice as long as anticipated.
6. Do not over quote. You should limit your paper to no more than two block quotes (a
direct quotation of three or more lines).
7. Proof read! Typographical errors, grammatical and syntax errors, and misspellings are
unacceptable and will adversely affect your grade.
8. Give credit where credit is due. Whether it is quoted directly or not, if it is not your idea
give a citation
The Introduction of Gunpowder and Other Resources by the Chinese through the Silk Road during the Early Renaissance
I have also attached my paper outline . I have 5 sources and I need 5 more. I prefer if the sources are from google scholar or google books.
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