Course: Composition Of Rhetoric
Comparison and Contrast Assignment: Marilynn Robinson “Save Our Public Universities” and Graeme Wood’s “The Future of College”
Due Dates: Rough draft emailed to me as an attachment (in Microsoft Word format) on Thursday, Nov. 7th by 5:00pm (***********************). Final draft due Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 9pm. Upload your final draft to the dropbox on Canvas titled “Final Draft Assignment Two,” available in the Assignments section for the class on Canvas.
Length: Minimum five full pages, double-spaced, with normal (one-inch) page margins. Try to keep it under six full pages, double-spaced. You are required to use a normal-sized, 12-point font like Calibri, Times New Roman, or Garamond. Papers under five full pages of written text will automatically have their grades lowered.
Did you write a paper that compares and contrasts the content of the two authors’ essays?
Did you compare and contrast both their conceptions of the “proper good” for education, as well as their respective strategies for achieving that goal?
Did you stay neutral and not bring up your subjective opinion about these authors (except perhaps in the final paragraph) when explaining their views?
Did you write a concise introduction that contains both a main claims and a statement of significance as parts of your thesis statement?
Did you avoid merely repeating points in your conclusion and instead expand upon your statement of significance from the introduction?
Key factors that should be involved in the Essay there Desire goals and how they want to achieve i