1. The introduction [approx. 250 words]. A short introduction to what the essay/plan aims to achieve.
* Introduce the area/topic of focus and any definitions and background needed to help the reader understand it.
* You could start some generalised discussion about service improvement supported by a service improvement model(PDSA).
2. Your chosen audit [approx. 500 words].
*An overview of audit (more generally) and appraise how audits are used to improve the quality and safety of care.
* Explain how this relates to the chosen topic area and why this is important.
* Appraise your chosen audit, and what it intends to measure (provide any information if the audit was based on evidence i.e WHO five moments for hand hygiene).
* Explain how this relates to the chosen topic area and why this is important.
* Appraise your chosen audit, and what it intends to measure (provide any information if the audit was based on evidence i.e WHO five moments for hand hygiene).
* Present the audit and results. This can be a table, chart or clear description.
* Analyse the audit, explain and help the reader to make sense of the results.
3. Appraisal of evidence [approx. 1500 words]. This to include:
* Analyse the audit, explain and help the reader to make sense of the results.
3. Appraisal of evidence [approx. 1500 words]. This to include:
* A critical discussion about IPC topic/setting and how the results relate to standard evidence-based guidelines and a wide range of other sources
* Critically discuss the standard evidence-based precautions. How is good quality care defined? How is good IPC practice supported by evidence?
* What are the consequences of not following IPC best practice guidelines and procedures?
* Compare/contrast different sources and their recommendations. What do your sources recommend, and how do these sources differ or corroborate?
* Did the audit demonstrate good practice? If not, why?
*Critically discuss the role of the RN/RM in IPC/improving quality and safety of care. For example, discuss leadership/mentorship/supervision depending upon the audit.
* This section should lead nicely to some recommendations.
4. Recommendations for future practice [approx. 500 words]
* Key recommendations for future practice within the chosen area based upon the audit and critical discussion.
* Support these with a good range of evidence sources and best-practice guidelines.
* Critically consider how these could be implemented and re-evaluated within future service improvement[ audit is a cyclical and ongoing process].
* Essentially, this part of the essay answers the question – what changes or improvements could be made going forward?
5. Conclusion [approx. 250 words]
* What has been covered and why?
* The key findings based upon your audit and critical appraisal of the evidence within the above mentioned parts.
* Draw to a logical conclusions and close.
* No new information and references are needed for a conclusion.
*Use the hand hygiene audit tool attached.
*Use 20 to 25 sources within the last 10 years.