Topic: The crusades have been called “successful failures” by historians. In your opinion is this an accurate statement? Why? Use historical examples to support your conclusions. Do not go into detail about each crusade – focus on the results.
Due no later than November 24 at 11:00 pm.
The following requirements should be followed for any written work submitted electronically or otherwise:
Include your full name on a cover sheet.
Leave adequate margins (1 inch all around)
Use standard 10 or 12 pitch type font such as Arial or Times Roman. Avoid large or fancy type fonts such as Old English, Script or Desdemona.
Double-space text and quotations, but for long quotations of 4 lines or more: indent and single space long quotations.
Include a reference page, even if it is just the textbook.
Standard English is required. Cite your sources via in-text citations or endnotes.
Submit in Rich Text Format (.rtf). Do not submit in pdf. format.
Proofread carefully. Use spell checkers with caution, as they will not correct wrong words (“right” instead of “write”) but only misspelled ones. Make sure you capitalize words correctly!
When submitting papers by email, send as an attachment. Include separate title and reference pages in the file. Never put your essay in the body of an email message.
Writing assignments are required to be a minimum of 800 words OF TEXT, not including your name, cover page or reference page and any documentation, and must include in-text citations or footnotes. Failure to have the minimum word count of text or citations will result in a failing grade.