• Be no less than 13 pages (8.5×11) of Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced with one-inch margins
• Have a minimum of fifteen peer-reviewed journal sources (five of which are 9/2022 or later; eight of which are 2014 or more recent publication dates). Older sources may be used for historical
perspective but cannot be the main sources for your paper. • Include two text sources.
o Internet and other sources will be considered only after the peer-reviewed citation minimum is met.
• Papers submitted after Week 11 will not be eligible for a grade of “A”.
• Papers submitted in week 12 can only earn a B at best.
• No papers will be accepted after week 12. A grade of Zero will be given for the assignment.
• The hard copy of your article must be accompanied by cover sheets for each article/source used. Papers lacking these cover sheets can earn a grade of B at best.
perspective but cannot be the main sources for your paper. • Include two text sources.
o Internet and other sources will be considered only after the peer-reviewed citation minimum is met.
• Papers submitted after Week 11 will not be eligible for a grade of “A”.
• Papers submitted in week 12 can only earn a B at best.
• No papers will be accepted after week 12. A grade of Zero will be given for the assignment.
• The hard copy of your article must be accompanied by cover sheets for each article/source used. Papers lacking these cover sheets can earn a grade of B at best.
Grading of Paper:
1. Complete grammatically correct sentences in all paragraphs
2. Coherent paragraphs
3. Rational progression of data
4. Absence of malapropisms, typos or misspelling
5. Effective inclusion of credible scientific findings, statistics and facts with a summary or conclusion of at least one paragraph. Therefore, no errors in data reporting (including sequencing, reversal error or omission of data which would compromise the scientific validity of the paper)
6. Proper documentation of sources
7. Avoidance of plagiarism
8. Minimum length is 10 pages
9. Minimum cited references in endnotes is 10 (10 references qualify for a C+, for a higher grade one must have more than 10 peer-reviewed references
10. At least 5 sources must be unique or recent (within last 2 years, i.e. on or after September 2022) medical scientific findings [required for A grade]