Hi! I overbooked my school schedule and finals are coming around the corner i need help with a really short essay. It is a compare and contrast essay on two sources. One is a youtube video and the other is a 13 page (not front and back) paper. The class is a femisim class. I will copy and past the given instructions, it mentions a study guide which is a page of open- ended questions relating to each source to make it easier to understand. I can include that in the files. This is my teachers instructions: Your first essay will be to compare and contrast Anzaldua’s and McWeeny’s conceptions / goals in developing an ontology of La Mestiza and women. Give a thorough account of both using the study guide questions to guide what you write in your essay, and then note how the accounts are similar and different. Discuss the challenges and benefits of these ontological identities / goals as the authors see these identities and how the authors believe that others see these identities.
After giving a thorough account of what Scholar Anzaldua and Professor McWeeny write / say, discuss what you think are the strengths and weaknesses of McWeeny’s and Anzaldua’s accounts.
Any quotes should be less than 20% of your overall essay. Percentages over that will impact your grade. If you are quoting another work, be clear about that by stating it overtly and using quotation marks. For instance, McWeeny says, ” blah, blah, blah”. Obviously, don’t write “blah, blah, blah”, but whatever McWeeny says. After quoting directly, explain what you understand the quote to mean in your own words.
9.0 – 10.0 points: A thorough account of La Mestiza and McWeeny’s conceptions are detailed in your essay. The challenges and benefits of both ontological identities from both the author’s perspective and how the others believe others see these identities are discussed. Your comparison and contrast is thorough. You have provided a new ontological category with a comprehensive description, or an account of an ontological category(ies) as it pertains to your identity, as well as the unique perspective of this account.
I am aiming for 9.0-10.0 points. Good Luck and thank you a billion to whoever helps out little ol me.