Final Project Problem Proposal/Root Cause Analysis – Fishbone Diagram/Group Participation Score – First Half

1) Individual  Final Project Problem Proposal 


Use the text box below to record and submit your problem proposal. Provide three options, and your faculty member will approve one.

What to Include

  • Three options for a project problem proposal


There are no specific resources for this assignment.

Academic Integrity

  • AI Tools (ex: ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-Pilot, Bing, etc.) are not permitted.
  • Getting help on the assignment is permitted.
  • Collaborating, or completing the assignment with others, is permitted.
  • Copying or reusing previous work is not permitted.
  • Open-book research for the assignment is permitted and encouraged.
  • APA Citations and/or formatting for this assignment are not required.

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ASSIGNMENT: Final Project Problem Proposal (10 points)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Proposal options

10 pts
Meets Expectations

Three options for proposal submitted.

5 pts
Somewhat Meets Expectations

Two options for proposal submitted.

2.5 pts
Needs Improvement

One option for proposal submitted.

0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations, OR Did Not Submit Assignment


Determine the drivers of the 3 health care issues listed below by using the Fishbone Diagram process as outlined in the video below. This will help give you a roadmap to follow when determining what should be the targets of any therapeutic target, intervention, or solution to a problem. How can you solve a problem if you don’t know EXACTLY what is driving the problem? Additionally, this will help you develop a refined problem statement.

Keep in mind that this is a generative process and your group may require multiple diagrams to hone in on a specific problem. Since it may take several iterations to whittle the topic down further as demonstrated in the video, please be sure to submit all pages here so we can understand your progression and thought process.

For example, using the example diagram below about bad burgers, your group may decide to specifically focus on “unhygienic storage”. You would then reframe the head of your fish to “Unhygienic storage results in bad tasting burgers”. The new diagram would investigate the components of that problem. This process would continue until you have a well-defined problem.

2) Individual assignment : Root Cause Analysis – Fishbone Diagram


  • Create a fishbone diagram for each of the 3 health care issues listed below:
    • Sarcopenia among older adults
    • Body dysmorphia in young adults
    • Physician Burnout
  • What have you determined to be the top 3 drivers for each health care issue – write these answers in a text box next to each of the diagrams.
  • Include citations
  • Use the fishbone diagram template below

What to Include

  • Fishbone diagram depicting the three health care issues referenced above



Academic Integrity

  • AI Tools (ex: ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-Pilot, Bing, etc.) are not permitted.
  • Getting help on the assignment is permitted.
  • Collaborating, or completing the assignment with others, is permitted.
  • Copying or reusing previous work is not permitted.
  • Open-book research for the assignment is permitted and encouraged.
  • APA Citations and/or formatting for this assignment are required.

3) ASSIGNMENT: Group Participation Score – First Half

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What to do: Review the instructions for this week’s assignment.



[Upload a document with instructions, or place your instructions here. Make sure instructions define sequence of steps/things that need to be completed for this assignment. ]

What to Include

  • There is no submission required for this assignment.


There are no specific resources available for this assignment.

Academic Integrity

  • AI Tools (ex: ChatGPT, Gemini, Co-Pilot, Bing, etc.) are not permitted.
  • Getting help on the assignment is not permitted.
  • Collaborating, or completing the assignment with others, is not permitted.
  • Copying or reusing previous work is not permitted.
  • Open-book research for the assignment is not permitted nor encouraged.
  • APA Citations and/or formatting for this assignment are not required.

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ASSIGNMENT: Group Participation Score – First and Second Half (100 points)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Group participation

100 pts
Meets Expectations

50 pts
Somewhat Meets Expectations

25 pts
Needs Improvement

0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

/ 100 pts
Total Points: 0

/ 10 pts

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