the topic of my paper is: Life Before and After Retirement: Exploring Changes in Daily Life + Social Roles.
The purpose of this research paper assignment is to use scholarly literature to critically analyze the contents of a data source to explore the micro-to-macro level factors
(Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model) that intersect, shape and influence a person’s life
course trajectory. Among the great many factors that will be examined include attention
to: place and history, risk and protective factors, human agency, structural forces, development, identities and intersecting statuses, access to resources, health, and relationships (Developmental Life Course Perspective). Further, the analysis will include an examination and integration of knowledge and attention to relevant issues of social justice,
anti-oppressive practice, anti-racism and discrimination, intersectionality, power, race,
oppression and privilege (PROP).
First, we had to interview an indivdual 60 years or older. Then, we transcribed the
interview, analyze it and organize and present findings, integrating quotes/excerpts from
the interview and research from their literature reviews. After this, we organized the
evidence by introducing the topic and Create a definition/ description of each theme and provide at least one direct quote from the interview/ other data source to support each
theme. And then, we narrowed down the tOpic and formulated a thesis for the final
research paper and describe how I will utilize particular components of the
Developmental Life Course Perspective (DLCP) and Ecological model (and potentially
other relevant HBSE frameworks) in MY exploration of this topic, and why I believe
these frameworks are relevant to this topic and person/character.
****To sum it up, all of this has been done. It’s an assignment broken down into multiple
parts. What I need you to do now is write a critical analysis of the data source;
organization and integration of quotes/excerpts from the data source; and at least
10 scholarly articles and/or book chapter citations that will help support the argument
you present in your thesis. Be sure to include the following: your thesis, theoretical
framework, a brief description of your interviewee (including age, relevant identity
characteristics), themes with evidence from your data source, interpretation of your
themes using the literature. ****
THE PAPER, SUCH AS the informed consent, THE INTERVIEW, THE INTRO+THESIS AND THEN THE THEMES. The interviewee’s name should be masked for this paper and also, let this be
known in the methods section.
some of the sources i have used are listed below, you would have to add more because i
need 10.
Carr, D., & Utz, R. L. (2020). Families in later life: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(1), 346–363.
Kumar, M., & Jha, A. K. (2025). Adaptation: Cultural evolution. In T. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Religious Psychology and Behavior (pp. 1–9). Springer Nature Switzerland.