Framing the Kneel: Media Narratives, Public Perception, and the Politics of Colin Kaepernick’s Protest
using the argument that media framing is dangerous and show that in this situation it wasimmensly dangerous.
1. Standard Argumentative Research Paper
- This project option is modeled on a typical scholarly journal article, albeit shorter in length.
- It develops a strong argument in support of a thesis statement (e.g., “The true crime podcase Serial uses the voice of the accused to challenge institutional truth claims from within the textual space of crime journalism”), using literature relevant to the topic at hand and from within the field of Communication Studies and related disciplines.
- It presents an original analysis that stems from following a research methodology (e.g., rhetorical criticism, content analysis, interviews, etc.). All aspects of producing a standard research paper will be covered in class and developed through checkpoints.
- The paper should include:
- A title
- An abstract
- an introduction that provides an overview of the topic/question/problem and introduces the argument
- a literature review (which may also include a theoretical framework) that situates the problem in Communication Studies
an analysis that advances and supports a central argument - a strong conclusion that gives the reader a sense of the significance of the arguments
- a Works Cited w/ at least 10 sources