Resubmit Assessment Task 2: Research essay taking into account your tutor’s feedback for improvement
In this Research Essay, you must undertake a comparative analysis of at least three works of design. At least one work should be an historical example associated with the topics discussed in the unit. Your three chosen works of design should not be by the same artist or designer.
Consider the key formal and conceptual qualities of the historical movement in question: why were these important in the twentieth century? What do these qualities mean today? And: are the ideas that we associate with the movement in question still relevant today?
Develop your own research question based on comparing work/s of design associated with an historical design movement (ie Futurism, Art Deco, Art Nouveau etc) and at least one example of contemporary design (post 1960s).
For example:
What influence has the Bauhaus had on contemporary architecture?
What is the relationship between the Arts and Crafts Movement and the Maker Movement?
What are the similarities and differences between historic examples of political propaganda and contemporary political advertising?
My previous feedback:
Despite this, you have not responded adequately to the brief: historic and contemporary. You do actually discuss the Bauhaus as the movement, but claims are general (Bauhaus inspired new materials and form follows function, but no concrete examples to support this statement.) There are no design examples from the Bauhaus discussed.
Only four references which are also incorrectly listed or cited further problematizes the essay.