Fall 2024 Technical Communications (ENG-160-I01)
To: 160 Students
From: Prof. Nguyen
Subject: Debriefing Memo Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is to summarize and synthesize the website building experience. You will provide a reflection on the project that includes a discussion of at least the following topics:
- assess the quality of the work you produced
- what did you like about your designs
- what would you like to change in retrospect?
- what did you like about your designs
- challenges that presented themselves during the course of the project
- identify any growth and/or learning you may have experienced during the course of the project, ranging from technical insight to interpersonal communication
You may add to the above categories as you see fit, but at a minimum you must address all bulleted areas.
Format Requirements: Assignment must be constructed in standard memo format and be at least 250 words with an introduction, body paragraph/s, and concluding paragraph. (See format below.)
Sample Memo (for format purposes)
TO: Kelly Anderson, Marketing Executive
FROM: Jonathon Fitzgerald, Market Research Assistant
DATE: June 14, 2007
SUBJECT: Fall Clothes Line Promotion
Market research and analysis show that the proposed advertising media for the new fall lines need to be reprioritized and changed. Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent that we need to update our advertising efforts to align them with the styles and trends of young adults today. No longer are young adults interested in sitcoms as they watch reality televisions shows. Also, it has become increasingly important to use the internet as a tool to communicate with our target audience to show our dominance in the clothing industry.
Internet Advertising
XYZ Company needs to focus advertising on internet sites that appeal to young people. According to surveys, 72% of our target market uses the internet for five hours or more per week. The following list shows in order of popularity the most frequented sites:
- Myspace
- EBay