Celebrity Activism Essay
Focus on ONE issue that they are advocating. ( I chose Medical Misinformation of COVID-19 podcast- joe rogan)
Research 2 articles/sources that provide different views on their activism.
- Page length: 3 Full pages of text min.
- Include an image that relates to your subject engaging in activism on the 4th page. (Note on image: The image should be small in file size – less than 500K and take no more than 1/2 of a page. Try using this free online Photo Editors to reduce the image size. Save your image as a Jpeg and insert it into the 4th page of your essay. You must include a correct MLA citation for the image.)
- Must include a Works Cited page. Work Cited page does not count toward word or page count.
- The essay must conform to MLA format
You should not focus on the issue that they advocate but more so on their activism and why celebrities have a platform to persuade.
Provide evidence from at least 2 articles/sources.
At least one of your sources should be YouTube videos (an interview or news clip) about their social or environmental issue.
You must cite your direct quotes with the correct MLA in-text citation format.
Submit only a polished final draft of your essay in Word format.
Your essay must conform to the MLA style.