write a cover letter for a job and fix a resume to look more like a entry level human resource manager. resume and job listing provided
This assignment is intended to provide you with tools to be used in pursuit of your career in Human Resource Management. While some students are currently actively working in jobs related to their BA/Human Resource Management degree, many are not. This assignment is to provide you with some insight into what it will take to get started on your job quest.
The Assignment
Getting Ready for the “Real” World
This assignment requires that you prepare a resume, with a cover letter, for a job you are seeking in the HR field. You are welcome to research and locate a job of personal interest in Human Resources or you may elect to use the job ad which has been supplied for you. The provided job posting is for an Entry Level HR Assistant and the ad is located under Resources below.
Please keep in mind that if you choose to submit for another job, the ad you are responding to is required to be a position in an area of Human Resource Management. (Payroll, benefits, training, recruitment, and HR Generalist, are all appropriate positions)