Assignment III. A written text of the list of the most frequent chronic health conditions in older individuals based on the Global Burden of Disease study with proposals for public health strategies for any selected health condition. Please see Week 9 for the details.
Ageing and associated chronic health conditions
Assignment III. The students will examine the below publications based on the Global Burden of Disease Study and list and discuss the most frequent chronic health conditions in older individuals with proposals for public health strategies for a selected health condition within a text of 1000 words. Each written list and proposal presented using .ppt will be rated by the lecturer and students.
Readings to be examined and discussed:
▪ Chang AY, Skirbekk VF, Tyrovolas S, Kassebaum NJ, Dieleman JL. Measuring population ageing: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet Public Health. 2019 Mar;4(3):e159-e167. PMID: 30851869
▪ Choi M, Sempungu JK, Lee EH, Lee YH. Living longer but in poor health: healthcare system responses to ageing populations in industrialised countries based on the Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. BMC Public Health. 2024 Feb 22;24(1):576. PMID: 38388412