All submissions must be accompanied by research notes and appropriate citations in either MLA, APA, Chicago Style.
Over the course of this term, students have traced major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450. Students have explored social, economic, and political changes, the historical roots of contemporary issues, and the role of conflict and cooperation in global interrelationships. This assignment will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, as they investigate key issues and ideas and assess societal progress or decline in world history
Assignment Description:
Stage 1: Topic Selection
Begin by selecting an essay topic. Certain topics explored in the course may interest you particularly, or you may select a topic by reviewing your course text. You may begin your research once you have selected a topic and developed an appropriate research question.
Stage 2: Essay Development and Revision
Develop your thesis and supporting arguments. Make an outline of the body of your
essay using the planning sheets provided. It is highly recommended that you meet with your teacher during this stage to discuss the scope and limits of your essay.
Stage 3: Essay Submission
Submit your final composition via Google Classroom by the due date indicated below.
Please note, all submissions will be subject to plagiarism detection. Any plagiarized
assignments, including those generated by A.I. tools, will receive a grade of zero. Late assignments will be penalized at a rate of ten (10) percent a day. Assignments should be approximately 1500 words in length. All submissions must be accompanied by research notes (see: appendix) and appropriate citations in MLA
Due Date: January 16th