The abstract:
The European Union has created after the pandemic a temporary instrument designed to help member states recover stronger and more resilient after the economic downfall generated in particular by the global close-down. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) represents the first ever financial mechanism through which the European Union borrows by itself on the capital markets by issuing common European bonds. The 650 billion euro funds available are distributed to member states based on national plans designed to enhance economic growth, social development and the green and digital transitions while implementing the recommendations made by the European Commission within the European semester framework.
The article seeks to analyse the financing mechanisms of the RRF and the challenges that it raises when it comes to borrowing instruments, repayments methods and financial regulations. It will use quantitative data to elaborate on the financial instruments and its impact at EU level while employing a qualitative approach to understand this unique legal framework. The study will enable us to conduct an in-depth analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of using this kind of financial mechanism at European level while proposing categories of evaluation variables that could be part of a design framework of analysis of the impact of RRF. Our research will elaborate on the impact of the RRF using those particular variables while offering a perspective for future academic literature.
Potential hypothesis
Is the RRF an effective mechanism at EU level for the recovery, development and resilience of EU Member States?
Is this EU-wide borrowing method a financial instrument that has to continue and how?
Potential structure:
Review of the litterature and hypothesis
Study – Results and comments
The Full Paper should be written in English within 11 pt Arial or similar fonts. The text should be justified.
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