The research study will be carried out by using Qualitative methodology as well as case study methodology. 15 semi-structured interviews will be conducted and 3 case studies of public-private partnership infrastructure projects in Windhoek will be examined. The sampling criteria for interview participants will be about 5 members form each case study comprising of 1 director from the developer, 1 member from the equity financier, 1 member from the debt financier, 1 member from the project manager (or project engineer where there is a perceived conflict of interest on the part of the project manager) and 1 member from City of Windhoek who serves on the project committee. The 3 case studies identified are Auasblick Extension 1 phase 1, Otjomuise Extension 5 and Rocky crest Extension 4 as all these projects have reached the sales phase of the project. The identified interview participants are well-versed in the various case studies. The participants will be contracted via telecom and the interviews will be conducted in person with a scheduled duration of 30 to 45 minutes. I am the project manager on the Auasblick Extension 1 project therefore, I know most of the individuals who will be interviewed.
The data collected will be used to create a theory around the critical success factors required for a public-private partnership in infrastructure projects and if they exist in the selected case studies. Project management best practice theories will also be applied, and an examination will be done to determine whether they have been applied to the selected case studies.