Assignment 1 (10% of final grade): “Trauma and Recovery” Self-Care for the Social Worker Working in Trauma- Developing a Plan.
The purpose of this paper is to help you as a social worker to prepare yourself as a professional to deal and cope with individuals, families and communities experiencing trauma and PTSD. Understanding the role of countertransference and developing a plan to cope with personal or secondary trauma is crucial.
Describe your experiences with trauma—personal, professional, in your family, with colleagues/friends, or otherwise (you do not need to disclose in detail any personal trauma, be safe and appropriate) and how these experiences or knowledge you have may inform your understanding or about trauma (include any biases you may have because of these experiences as well). If you haven’t had any experience with these issues, how do you think you would deal with it?
Students are to identify and describe two traumatic experiences in their life: one personal and one professional, over the course of their life. Identify why you chose these two experiences. For instance, maybe you experienced a client who has completed the suicide act or a client who has been murdered, or the loss of a parent in a violent situation or loss of a parent at a young age, or moving at a young age, a fire or flooding and was homeless or displaced for a while, or you experienced a life and death surgery at a younger age. Describe in your paper how you have coped and managed the trauma either personally or professionally. Sometimes these situations have drawn you into social work originally and yet as practitioners we need to be prepared professionally and emotionally to deal with certain populations with similar traumas. Find three articles that relate to each of your traumatic experiences either professionally or personally. Select important concepts/skills from the article and discuss how these concepts/skills relate to your experiences. The key to this assignment is to understand that what is important to you is important to you and not one experience is greater than another. The insight and self-reflection shapes how you practice social work. Every person copes with the situation differently in difficult situations. Please note that this paper is held with the highest level of confidentiality.
In the second part of the assignment, students will create an individual self-care plan that includes integrated literature-based strategies and a creative approach to assist with self-care. Be sure to include some articles about self-care as a social worker. Develop a plan for yourself reflecting on how you will cope with trauma professionally and personally to better prepare you as a practitioner and social worker.
Your paper should be a typed eight-page paper, double-spaced, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins (APA format) and cite at least two other scholarly references. With in 5 years old.
- Demonstrated an understanding of trauma and a comprehension of course concepts with references to course and other readings? (40 points)
- Demonstrated self-reflection in critically assessing personal values, beliefs, and assumptions? (20 point).
- Provided links between theories and/or practices of working with trauma and your own lived experiences? (20 points)
- Utilized evidence-based literature in examining trauma and self-care? (10 points)
- Provided an individual self-care plan? (5 points)
- Demonstrated clear, concise, and comprehensive writing ability including spelling and grammar; and the utilization of APA referencing standards? (5 points)
I have been a victim of domestic violence and I seem to recignate with these clients