Explore different psychological perspectives/ approaches that help explain contemporary issues in psychology

The aim of this assessment is to explore Different psychological perspectives approaches that help explain contemporary issues in psychology. Introduction 300 words approximately In this section You should introduce the contemporary issue by drawing On the following points: Provide the brief introduction to the contemporary Issue(consider statistics, ideology and impact) State the purpose of the essay(The importance or justification of exploring the contemporary issue(for example, what changes could be made from understanding the concept from a psychological perspective) Main body 800 words approximately In this section You should describe the psychological approaches That explain the source of the contemporary Issue drawing on the following points: Using evidence Outline key psychological approaches that explain The contemporary social issue(consider: Are the connections between the theories?) Provide a comparison between the two approaches Drawing on the positive and negative features of each one(Consider the quality of Evidence ,ethical challenges And implications ,comparison of the data obtained, Impact on social life Discussion 400 words approximately This section gives you an opportunity to conclude the descriptive and analytical points raised in the main body of the essay. You should reflect on the following points and not to provide a thorough synopsis of the conclusions drone outline major themes that they merged within the main body consider summarising key Arguments, themes, central findings Emphasise the further implications of your discussion points in a logical context consider What is the proposed impact of exploring The contemporary social issue from a psychological perspective how should psychological forward With what is already known about the issue? It is expected that the reference list will contain between five and 10 sources as a minimum the reference list should include one refereed Academic journal in three academic books. My tutor advised me that I must try and have paragraphs that are 8 to 10 sentences throughout my assignment. My approaches of choice are cognitive psychology and social psychology. The structure should go like this: Introduction, Cognitive psychology, Social psychology, Ethical considerations, Compare and contrast, Conclusion.

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