Scholarly article critique, critiquing three readings about race and the U.S presidency There readings are listed here in the parantheses and I must abide by the specific page numbers( Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth. 2014. “The cost of racial animus on a black candidate: Evidence using Google search data.” Journal of Public Economics. 118: 26-40. Haines, Pavielle E., Tali Mendelberg, and Bennett Butler. 2019. “I’m Not the President of Black America”: Rhetorical versus Policy Representation.” Perspectives on Politics. 17(4): 1038-1058. Merolla, Jennifer, Abbylin H. Sellers, Derek. J. Fowler. 2012. “Descriptive Representation, Political Efficacy, and African Americans in the 2008 Presidential Election.” Political Psychology. 34(6): 863-875.). These readings cover topics we discuss in the course such as linked fate (particulalrly African American’s sense of political linked fate), descriptive versus substantial representation and policy representation (where for these readings, the representation is specifically within the presidency).
The scholarly article cirique is meant to be an in-depth analysis of the author’s research and findings where I pinpoint where I agree, disagree, and question the arguement to show that I really understand the argument they are trying to make while also incporporating my own knoledge of the subject matter (the course itself is called ‘Race and American Politics’). The link to instructions is here ( Wilson 1
here is also what I have so far, and please follow the same headings for the three readings as I have started with the first one. Each reading is to be critiqued separately under its respective heading. However, I am find with incorporating references to the other readings in each section to show that I understand how the three readings go together :
No works cited is needed and only the three readings can be used. No outside sources allowed since it is only supoosed to be about the three readings listed