Write an Focused Area Writing Assignment on the case study “NCOs Take on Multiple Roles to Ensure Success in Panama” using the NCO C3 lenses of Readiness and Program Management.Answer the questions: WHAT INSIGHTS ARE DERIVED FROM THE “NCOS TAKE ON MULTIPLE ROLES TO ENSURE SUCCESS IN PANAMA” CASE STUDY IN REGARDS TO THE NCO COMMON CORE COMPETENCIES (NCO C3s) OF READINESS AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT?Structure your FAWA to address the assigned NCO C3s as follows: — Introduce the analytic thesis. — Describe the NCO C3. — Explain the NCO C3. — Transition to the case study. — Provide example(s) from the case study that ties back to the NCO C3 (if none provided, use your own). — Highlight the key points that explicitly answer the question. — Transition to the next NCO C3 and repeat. End the FAWA with a conclusion.The goal: To give you the ability to offer perspective through analysis of a historical event and be able to use applied leadership. You will correlate how the actors represented or embodied an NCO C3 within the case study. This is very similar to what you would do for an Executive Summary (EXSUM) on staff.The FAWA should be:
- FOCUSED: Your paper should address all parts of the focused-area without many random ideas that have little or nothing to do with the focused-area. Adding random, unrelated ideas or facts usually result in the reduction of points from your grade.
- STRUCTURED: You know what you want to write, but your ability to communicate that knowledge to your facilitator depends on how well you structure your paper. Take the time to make a rough outline of what you want to write and in what order you want to present it.
- WELL-PRESENTED: Students who do not use the accepted rules of English are often thought to be less competent or knowledgeable than those who do. If you have all of the elements of a well-written paper, but your use of language, sentence structure, or spelling make it difficult to read or understand what you are trying to say, your grade will suffer.
Refer to the NCO C3 definitions in TC 7-22.7 (pp. 2-2 and 2-3), FAWA – Operation Anaconda documents, and M423 Advance Sheet (for linkage to other lessons that further reinforce each NCO C3).FAWA will be graded using the FAWA rubric.