Write a reflection paper using apa style. I will paste information from recording script during class lecture.
Okay so back to the topic we have the final points here education being good or it has occur basis on the places that you’re exposed to things like that I’ve been saying and it allows you to learn different things you see one place remaining your host perhaps you’re not gonna learn as much as somebody who’s going on an experiencing things so you know so those oriented under education we have self-directed with your life even if you see inside and you’re not being exposed in terms of social contacts that you’re having out there you may still have some socialization online we live in a world where information is there at the finger tips so it all depends on what you want to learn outside of a classroom everything is there for you decide if you want to get up and go somewhere and meet different people and learn about different culture and learn something new in regards to help for instance what can help you if you get ill you decide what you want to do in your life and explore the world learn different people culture food you name it others just want to be left alone in their bed and you occupation directed teacher directed so here towards the occupation that we want to go into all of you right now are in a course being a whole thing teacher so it’s pretty straightforward in terms of different things around here on my screen so like the picture is showing the tool and education limitless education or something like that just so quickly go through these points which will normally just before the schooling versus education or two term that I’ve been misidentified they’re often you as I’ve said before education and said to be a process of dealing knowledge formally or informally hence pulling as a part of education right so formally or informally the formal part of it is your formal part is a part of education right of education is simply going to learn from these definitions and most people talk about education they are talking about schooling so you hear people roles and say I want my kids to have the best education right you want their children to go to the best schools that’s what they need get the best education I have here and go on to get good jobs but pretty much that what they’re talking about when you see education is referring to schooling they want them to attend the best schools for which they feel like they’re materials covered will prep them for us good very well often times you’re gonna hear good education right so when you think of education skills that they need to learn that you as the parent are responsible for what are you doing for what you do in your own personal life and even if you haven’t had a child yet it should get your brain going for when that day actually comes what kind of parents are you gonna be are you typed that child gets but listed in a curriculum or are you gonna push further for your child to learn different things to go different places to be exposed to different things that’s your responsibility as a parent at the end of the day so me as a parent I know my kids have to learn yes what’s there in the curriculum as a gearing them for the profession that be want to go into however what else do I prepare it I let them travel all the time I know do everything because they have to learn certain things they’re pretty awesome very soon at primary school level do I do everything for them no I let them get all that the store and go and buy stuff in the store because they need to learn to interactive people by saying the car at times and let them do it so little things that you can do to get your child and age and move around and learn different things and you don’t have to always do everything for them as the parent no so just a quick quick example there for you so what is cooling again going over quick with these ones because learning or being taught within four walls of classroom we have other Modern Ways like online like what we’re doing right now it’s the process of receiving education or acquiring knowledge formally just saying it in different ways so here the services of a teacher or lectures are needed to instruct and rule of people how pupils or students go ahead looking back up the definition of Peer so looking at the school looking at the previous letter was from fearing your previous slide said schooling can be said to be a branch of education is not a branch of schooling because Socialize and this is infant too so they really didn’t get to actually interpreciate because of covid so I need something that we struggle up to today like here right so they would be in my centered one Center two the ones who should have been in pretty full I think around covid time and I know all the way up there issues with those babies that those levels because of not coming to school they’re still the foundational area for that particular standard because they miss covid and it’s not only in the cognitive areas where they should have learned certain Concepts even in their social skills as well so working with them to get that going so when you think of it at the earliest years their interacting with each other they’re learning how to share things like that so maybe in early years of preschool if you thought that that level even an infant one in fact two you have some kids who haven’t gone to be fully control touches something that belongs to another it starts because that child does not know how to work in a social setting yet right similarly become very positive of the teacher at times as well and institution appear too much attention to another it start they start fighting over that particular teacher sometimes because we’ve not been exposed and in a setting where they’re working on those social skills of biting and things like that start to happen because that’s I mean think about it right so imagine exactly what I said before I started to share this with you what would happen right now if we did not learn from early age how to interact with one another fighting for everything because we don’t know how to interact with people right so the social skills we work fine within schools from a very very young age so we try to tackle things like bullying like this glass points on that first one teaches future educational experience exposes children to several fields of studies it’s not common for learners to feel improve phone affinity to some material so when it comes to school you’re not going to just learning one thing did so many things and we’re all different coming with our own life so of course that time when I did well in everything else but fancy so I knew that was my trajectory from a very young age that that’s the area that I would have wanted my interest lies was from I was a kid so similarly everybody all of us you’re being exposed to their front Fields you know exactly where you have that affinity you can tell different topics of Interest individually or as a part of a group your child you as a child in school you like the particular topic you want to go at night is I have to go to our library and find book on that particular topic that I wanted to explore no it’s there at your fingertips and remember when we did our introduction a lot of people give what area of Interest they have some people like to buildings and building up videos to to see how to actually get things done and you know so we live in an age where information is there Maintain that philosophy of treating people the way I want to be treated however does it vote me like it did when I was younger no it doesn’t because that says a lot about that personal not me but it going back to this point in terms of confidence so I have here confidence in one cells and once ability is essential for mentioning a healthy sense of self worth so these different experiences as I’m here talking about my own one as a young girl you shared your experience in class as a teacher and how you’re trying to bring everything together for that particular student the school exposes you to be things and you’ll see the confidence start to have it when we think about the different backgrounds that students may be coming from the schools are support system and doing this confidence not all for students are coming from homes where parents are reading life into them right you may have a child who has a parent that was a child when we had that child what perhaps woolly that home too and a lot of things may be going on you don’t know what they’re telling me kidding so the confidence that they come with me where it means to be and therefore we can’t contribute to what people what these students are experiencing in their personal lives at home we should be I always see who should never be a police that a child comes to be harmful to everybody in their lips and we should never be one to contribute our already so I have that in my second point children have early chances to develop self-assurance and untool the lip something is very very important it’s one of the things that we look for when we visit your classroom to see if you’re using the freeze words if you’re doing a little chance as a group because it helps to get them already to get sometimes it’s the only little good thing they here comes from the teacher at times and we want for you to be able to get the entire class in that habit of giving some sort of cheer when something is done and I have in the third one here they grow more a It also involves the development of the mind and character so way more than going on in the classroom I’m not saying that some of these skills that you see on screen that we don’t cater to that allow them to think we all want them to create we allow them understand etc and if you look at your mind when you see those verbs anybody objective where are these verbs when you see those verb what color the mind yes it has to do it objective but we use something to create the objective the level of thinking deeper tell me the goals goals where do you think create salt understand assessment planning outcomes learning assessment all right they all use and go back to the top higher on me to have them create and solve things and move away from just recalling and so forth so yes I’ll let you back to the top front of me right so yes I will see that within this formal cities we do a low for this to happen on purpose we plan for this to happen however outside we’re exposed to different things that still allow us to do it you’re in your home you can’t tell me in your home as an adult something does not happen to a broken bite something happens something is nothing place where you want it in the holes that you want pink and create something at some point build something to put something on in your whole garden or something like that so this is not a formal setting but you creating your solving problems your your meeting with other people outside issues arise you figure out how to solve it you’re learning different things and one of the greatest one that I have here at the end the ability to question things and I stress this one because we like to for granted as Bible everything that you learn for you ready installing and we don’t question things and not in my view right and I’d like as we go through this particular course that you think on a deeper level and you question some of the things that you’ve been exposed so nothing is wrong with it you know and a lot of things that we’ve been exposed to we call it Theory Theory at the end of these be filling up to a certainly or something that you’re trying to sense of philosophies at the end of the day it may need not entirely be true and so you have to question things despite if the society has adopted and practice and made it a tradition nothing is wrong with questioning things that is how we learn and we grow as a human you know on a deeper level if we continue to losing the same way forever and ever and ever what would have been the point so when you have people who actually suffering why do we do this this is how things evolve over time societies change we learn new things because people decide to question certain things and that is healthy it’s healthy to questions and not just go because this is what is the status I hope you’re following what I say and this is what we want students to do in our classrooms so not bugs me more than when we have even when it was my peer when I used to teach at high school level and we have very very curious Minds in the classroom little mine that are there Acquisition of knowledge skills values beliefs and have it so just going through different definitions here education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge developing the powers of reasoning and judgment and generally preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life just many many ways of seeing these two things okay but check my time have time here so types of education can be formal or informal and can happen anywhere at this already we’ve talked about this already but putting it in different ways of saying so informal education can be seen when parents and guardians teach their children to talk right read Greek we respectful and other things so they’re learning a lot just by appearance are doing with them at home right you can tell what is happening in home by doing students speak in your classroom what kind of education they’re getting from home what are the exposed right here right to their writing They’re gonna tell you they’re putting it into their own context so you know exactly read all the Greek people some of them may come into your class you might not see anything because that’s what they’re coming with to your classroom and it’s important as for you the teacher if you care about this type of society that you want to hop with the museum context no the type of belief that you want to have would you as a teacher sit there and theme is Maria coming to class and Maria just walking and sit down some teachers will say that my responsibility it’s not my child at the end of the day I just have a think about the children that I brought into this world but the children that you rock into this world have to interrupt with other children that were brought into this world when I buy choice or accident or whatever that plant so it is our Duty as people of the society not only teachers and especially teachers but when you see a child going in a certain Direction you try to hurt the child you try your best particular child because in directly even if it’s not your child come off that actions or behavior matriculum back to your own right so yes we want them to be respectful comes from the time so I will see hope you speak to you as parents which children you are the ones responsible for those people that you brought in for the world and so you need to meet them respectful and current and so well so they learn you know informal way with the interactions that we have what you at home and you are the one responsible for giving them the exposure that they need to survive in right so chores and things like that allow them to learn responsibility it can also be seen when children learn to do things and sold problems in the tendency so again as parents or as teachers in the classroom for a spirit at home it’s important that you try not to solve everything for them and their times when they’re gonna have to learn something on their own as long as it’s not bringing serious harm to the child let them talk they want learn to walk properly if you keep just that they all the time less than do it you know they will stumble and I’m saying this for whatever things they’re involved in let them try to solve some problems on their own and you’re not there life is unpredictable and experiencing me and not be here for the rest of their life and so we wouldn’t want them to not be able to handle certain things if you die who you know for whatever reason they need to learn to do things on their own similarly in the classroom you can’t have the challenges come to you We’re trying to look at what is happening formally and informally when we see education so both what they’re learning in school combined with what they learn outside of school allows for that critical thinking to occur all right strengthens societies so for many individuals their education becomes a vital social network it could be the overseas for some people to ever truly feel comfortable the themselves having a sense of community and being a part of something greater than one is crucial for kids they will have a sense of belonging and security motivating them to continue their community building efforts when they graduate so education strengthens societies even in our schooling setting we teach them to care about the society we teach them to give back To The Society we need to work things like that so that they learned that it’s important to give beyond oneself in other words not only to think about yourself what to think about others and other initiatives that you can be a part of in building that community all right all right so the sum of this particular lecture pulling versus education the difference between is one small part of speech of education but education is much more than just pulling system is rigid it’s systematic while education is more dynamic comprehensive and broad who takes place in a classroom or school or formal setting online sorry that should be etc education anywhere pulling those not necessarily bring about education if teaching cannot be applied to real life situation and problems pick up pause right here pulling does not necessarily bring about education is teaching cannot be applied to realize situations and problem so we talked about this a little bit earlier on where we’re trying to allow you through authentic assessments and teaching learning strategies for you to be able to link to real life right so we’re not really educating them then if we cannot link it to like education develops abilities to identify problems solve these problems and achieve results so we would have gone into our brief hope session but we don’t have time for it so we’ll talk as a class here in our belief Society and do we Focus more on schooling or education over the other let’s hear your thoughts on that before we create because so people have teached to test so I could believe that there were directed to schooling and not their broader education of the channel all right I’ll add a little bit I think that’s cooling is the focus not only for the teachers but even for children who grew up in the school system because a lot of them have the mentality that one figure graduate that’s it they no longer want to learn they’re just gonna work and they it’s not a lifelong learner it’s just learning to pass high school and college and that’s it thank you so for me I think that in the past we were more focused on schooling but I think no especially with the new curriculum that competency because a lot of in real life and even when I was on internship I tried my absolute best to always incorporate something that my students can release something to right so when you when you think of all of that you will see that for the most part we’re looking at cooling even about what we want to accomplish as humans at the end of the day so it’s not really working when you read the think of it in that fix four miles setting because then you start get fixated on sides say oh my god this is a terrible and we lose the essence of the true meaning behind the general the broader term of education and progressing as humans if that makes sense what I just said you know so yes we’ve been fixated and as a world as a blue a lot from schooling versus progressing education for humans for betterment of humans at the City all right so we end off with that today everybody you have a reflection for me Jeremy I believe in I usually set everything on Sunday so I believe it’s you on Sunday so