The major assignment in this class will be the bioethical issue paper. The paper will address the importance of a current and controversial bioethical issue to health care and the current or emerging, dynamics of this ethical issue on the healthcare environment.
The paper will include an introduction paragraph, the issue and its dimensions, ethical theory and principles, ethical/cultural dynamics (consideration of your profession’s Code of Ethics), nursing profession/policy (see below), and the writer’s recommendations/personal views. Concrete examples and illustrations will be an important part of this paper as they are in any ethical discussion.
The policy section must indicate current local and/or national policies, and professional organization’s policy on this issue and any recommendations or suggestions you may have for modification or changes. These recommendations will then be used in the Bioethical Issues Advocacy Presentation assignment.
This is considered a scholarly paper and there should be readings of substance with citations within the paper and a list of references, this is not an opinion paper.
This is considered a scholarly paper and must conform to APA style (7th ed.). Grammar, punctuation, and use of relevant citations must be consistent with graduate-level expectations. The paper is to be 11–15 pages in length, excluding title page and reference page. Be sure to use “page break.” Include at least 3 scholarly citations (<5 years). Place a subheading for each category described in the grading rubric (available in the online course).
- “What’s a Scholarly Source.” You can use non-scholarly sources to support your paper, but these are to be utilized with caution. Your paper must hold mostly scholarly sources. Otherwise it is considered an opinion paper.
- Look at the “Reference” page(s) of each of your submitted references. Within each of these citations are likely further gems to support your paper. Do not hesitate to contact authors of these citations as they may lead you to even more current and relevant articles on your issues.
- “APA Writing Resources.” The APU Writing Center takes online appointments, on a first come-first basis. Be sure to make appointments early if you are needing help with APA or other parts of your paper. Review comments for strengths/weaknesses found in your first paper.
- Seek help from a librarian! Whether APU librarian (see APA Writing Resources) or the librarian from your institution (CHLA, USC-Keck, Kaiser, etc.). Papers from students who have utilized a librarian are set apart as librarians are very good at helping students!
- Best papers are those which are focused (no more than 1 or 2 talking points), have utilized a librarian, and have been repeatedly read (out loud).
The following pacing guidelines have been set up for this project:
- Topic Selection To prevent duplication, topics will be selected based on a “first come, first served” basis. (Ideas for topics are available at the following website:
- Preliminary References: Find three research articles that provide support for or against the bioethical issue you have chosen for your final Bioethical Issue Paper. Submit the references in APA format as your preliminary reference page for your instructor to review.
- Final Bioethical Principle Paper (Due Week 14): Final papers need to be submitted by the end of Week 14.
Final Paper Ethical IssueFinal Paper Ethical IssueCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionProvide an overview of your paper, issues and conclusion10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIssues and Dimensions* Clearly demonstrates understanding of ethical issue
* Issue’s importance to nursing;
* Current or emerging importance of ethical issues for nursing practice;20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEthical Theory and Principles* Clearly demonstrates understanding of relevant ethical theory and principles20 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth Policy Analysis*Professional and national policy surrounding the issues are thoroughly identified and discussed
*Relevant legislation identified and discussed
*Thorough analysis of relevant health policy performed using Malone’s framework25 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing Profession/Policy & Recommendations /Personal Position* Supportive rationale to attest nursing profession’s position of issue
* Rationale to support personal position and
recommendations25 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, APA format 7th ed/Spelling5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks5 pts
Total Points: 105