Read Kolb’s Model of Reflection and reflect on the importance of book selection for children and the elements necessary to make these selections. Use the statements below to better guide you:
Concrete Experience: “what I did” section
- Briefly describe the circumstances and activity that you engaged in so that a person not in attendance can understand what the experience was
- Reflective Observations: “what I wonder” section
- Identify a specific component of the experience that had particular relevance to you, or that was instructive or valuable to you and Identify WHY this element(s) of the experience was important and worth reflecting upon.
Abstract Conceptualization: “what I learned” so what” section
- Make connections and reflect on the significance of the experience and relate it to what you already knew/understood; discuss the meaning of what you experienced and how it has changed you
- Application “now what” section
- Identify the implications of what you have learned for future experiences and discuss how you anticipate applying the knowledge that you have gained to new experiences or situations in your life
- McLeod, S. (2013). Kolb – learning styles.
- Self-improvement – Demonstrates clear understanding that self-reflection is a key component of improving both a) her/his own teaching practices and b) the growth, development and learning of one’s students. Clear, applicable details and examples are provided in the reflection
- Connection to outside experiences – Engages in detailed analysis of aspects of her/his own experiences and those of others that centrally relate to the topic. Makes substantive connections between these experiences and their application to teaching practice, and cites texts, scholarly journals, and other resources to articulate their meaning. Submission demonstrates understanding of the importance of reflection on experiences as a critical tool for selfimprovement and effectively employs it
- Connection to course readings (videos, presentations, etc.) and discipline specific literature Synthesizes those aspects of the readings that relate to the topic. Makes substantive connections between what is learned from the readings and the topic. Includes references to other sources to demonstrate the ability to extend one’s own learning through independent discovery.