Focus for G&O #1: How will you “the CH/PHN” apply, practice and integrate Health Promotion & Disease Prevention for ensuring efficiency and effectiveness (and becoming a Role Model) at your Clinical site with your population?
ASSIGNMENT: write One Goal with 3 (action-oriented) objectives for facilitating ongoing Professional Role Development with increasing Clinical Judgment.
• What are GOALS?: an overarching concept/topic/theme, such as: healthier lifestyle,
Safety, Communication, Advocacy, Skill Acquisition, Education/instructive,
Leadership, for professional growth and development; Goals are like an “Umbrella”
topic that is very is a BROAD, (Long-Term) statement that typically starts with “I,
the learner, will…”
• GOAL Example: I will…Increase [Or, improve/Apply & Integrate]… Self-Care
Habits, throughout my Community Health Practicum, for my overall health and
wellness throughout this Spring 2024 semester.
• What are OBJECTIVES?: The objectives are short term/immediate “action verbs”
that “describe” or “specify” the: ”when, where, what, how” your stated Goal be
• OBJECTIVE Example: “I will attain my stated Goal by:”
I will close my computer/electronic devices – Action verbs;
By setting an alert for 9PM and an alarm for 9:30PM – Criteria;
The evening before any school night – Condition;
During Fall 2023 semester session [Or, by Dec. 6th] – Time frame.- This is ‘best’ @ the
start of your all the Objectives…and Not before each objective…unless the time frame is different.
QUESTIONS TO ASK SELF (this helps for determining your Objectives):
-Ask yourself: What actions will I take (or could I take) to achieve my stated Goal?
-What will I do? How? When?
-Be “Specific” and “descriptive” on your Action Plan (succinctly)
-Identify the steps you will take.