Guidance has been uploaded as a WORD doc. This is a critical literature review. Taking the 12 pieces of literature focus on the following guidance and critique. Guidance
· This is a literature review of the papers, and needs to explore what is being said and why it is being said now, and why in this format? What is the motivation for the paper? Be a reflective thinker in socio-political and cultural contexts.
· For example, I found this paper hard to; read; the layout is confusing, and the title is hard to follow.
· Unpack the issues, what does the research say, is relevant to the question and topic? Was their methodology sound, are there unaddressed ethical factors? Are there limitations, such as the absence of key demographic data?
· Is there a research agenda such as funding. Can this research be trusted? Why is this research being done, if by a university is it about improving the university research reference framework score, or is it about the research’s academic profile and status?
· Reference how researchers gathered their data what is your views on this?
· All research must be qualitative, what research strategy has been used, and what is your view on this?
· Add a contrast – such as identifying another paper which does it better than the limitation identified.
· Avoid describing the paper. Be critical and analytical in writing.
· References need to be included throughout.
· Writing should be critical in tone.
· Convey awareness of ontology and epistemology has influenced the research.