The research proposal will include:
• Clear introduction to the research topic, situated in the evidence base; identification of aims
and a rationale for its choice
• Identification of an appropriate research question
• Development of a realistic and related research proposal to investigate the question, using an
appropriate paradigm and methodology.
• Justification of the potential findings, considering the potential for changing specific clinical
References should be using Harvard referencing.
A good research proposal should include the following:
An introduction: this chapter sets the context and provides a clear introduction to the topic using contemporary, topic related literature with a clear rationale for why the research is being undertaken, and why it is worthwhile. The purpose of the proposed study and what the intention is for the work, for example is it to increase understanding or improve an intervention? From this, a clear research question will be identified with clear analysis of its’ development. If appropriate, a hypothesis will be provided. Aims and objectives of the project will be stated and derived from the question.
A brief literature review will highlight what the literature tells us is already known about the chosen topic and what is missing, providing support for the study and how it will be undertaken. This should have relevance for a specific aspect of cancer care. A brief table of evidence summarises the brief literature review.
Methods: What you decide to do will be based on the question and whether this fits best into a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods design, which will be specifically named. A clear explanation, supported with secondary literature for the design choices, will clearly set our how the investigation and data analysis will be undertaken. The potential impact on participants will be explored to ensure that the research is ethical. Consider how long this will take, why and consider if this is realistic.
Summary: Bring together the key points and aspirations for the proposed research.
Potential findings: These will be suggested, showing what you hope to demonstrate and how the research could contribute to the topic area, clinical practice.
A template is provided to structure the work.
I have included some journal articles to use for the literature review as well as a mini literature review done by one of my colleagues (T. Brown). Please do no directly reference this article.