How do behavioral biases impact consumer utility maximization under budget constraints in the digital subscription economy?

How do behavioral biases impact consumer utility maximization under budget constraints in the digital subscription economy?

This question explores the intersection of traditional consumer theory with behavioral economics in the context of modern subscription services (streaming, software, etc.). It allows you to:

  1. Begin with traditional consumer theory foundations (indifference curves, budget constraints)
  2. Integrate behavioral economics concepts (hyperbolic discounting, sunk cost fallacy)
  3. Apply these to the digital subscription model where consumers face complex choices
  4. Develop a theoretical framework that could be empirically tested

Key angles to explore:

  • How bundling strategies exploit consumer biases while appearing to increase utility
  • Whether subscription models create artificial budget constraint perceptions
  • How time-limited trials and auto-renewals affect utility optimization
  • The paradox of choice in subscription offerings

This question provides sufficient complexity for 8 pages while remaining focused enough to develop a cohesive theoretical argument with practical implications for both consumers and businesses.

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