Reflecting on social work’s focus on the individual when considering coping and adaptation to stress

When considering adaptation in relation to stress, social workers often focus on helping the individual cope with stress, and often do not consider working to change stress producing circumstances that may occur, for example, in families, groups, and neighborhoods as well as societal conditions that disproportionally impact specific groups.

For example, when a child is behaving in ways deemed inappropriate in the classroom, we tend to try to help the child function better in the classroom as is and rarely consider how to support reorganizing the classroom environment to maximize learning and development for those present. In other words, we want the child to adapt to their existing circumstances rather than consider how we might shape the environment to improve goodness of fit between the child and the classroom.

Why is it so easy to get diverted from the conditions that create stress? Why do we often focus solely on helping individuals cope with stress? How does such an approach fit with social work’s commitment to social justice? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches?

Note:This paper is different than the other 3 which ask you to apply theoretical concepts to a vignette or your own experiences. For this paper, you are being asked for your opinions and critical thoughts on the questions raised.

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