This assignment:You will write about the process by which you explored and settled upon your current/career pathway. In this case, it will be: Bachelor’s in Psychology with the goal for a Master’s and one day a PhD. in Psychology. This essay should engage the us of the following:- Marcia’s Identity Staus Theory- The essay should outline the journey through development of the current school/career journey using the concepts of “crisis” and “commitment” and the various statuses from this theory.-Happenstance- The essay should explore any chance encounters with individuals or information that played a role in your decision making. In this case, without going into great deatils, the individuals that played the role would be people that caused my own traumas and the reason for my choice in my career path would be to become someone who wants to understand, learn and help others who have gone through what I have lived through. Hopefully to make a positive difference in the world.-Holland Test- The essay should include test scores abd a discussion of how they align with your current school/career trajectory.
Choosing Psychology Career path using: Marcia’s Identity Status Theory, Happenstance, and Holland Test
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