Navigating the Challenges of an Aging Workforce: Strategies for Adapting Policies, Practices, and Workplaces

This must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.docx). The paper must be submitted in 12-point font, double spaced, Times New Roman. USE THE APA TEMPLATE FOR CORRECT FORMATTING. $CANVAS_COURSE_REFERENCE$/file_ref/g9df7d51d485699e175684ad989d2df17/downloadYou must also provide me with the (7+) References that you are using to compile your research together. After looking at them and reviewing them, I may require you to replace a few, if not all, of them. The reference section should include DOIs and be formatted appropriately, in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Please take a look at the Template. A link alone is incorrect. Ex: Author, N. E. (1999). How to write a great paper: Thoughts and ruminations from the library. International Journal of Regular Capitalization, 39(2), 124-133. Opinions have no place in your paper, neither do long quotes or fluff just for “word count’s” sake. You’re looking to answer a question on a topic you’ve come up with. The sources you find are answering another question, but the information they have included will serve to give your topic a background/solution. When you start searching, make sure to do so in credible databases like Google Scholar, EBSCO Host, ERIC, JSTOR, etc. The textbook is one of your 5 scholarly sources. The other four can come from academic journals whose articles you find will typically be 10-30 pages long (yes, that means additional reading to inform you about your topic). Two outside references can be from credible newspaper channels or non-profit organizations that also provide unbiased subject matter. The reference should be a year of publication, no older than 10 years, and an author(s) or I will tell you to replace this reference. These are the instructions I got from my professor, and my topic is Navigating the Challenges of an Aging Workforce: Strategies for Adapting Policies, Practices, and Workplaces such as human resources

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