9-1 Discussion: The Problem with Mass Incarceration in the United States Social & Behavioral Health PHE 525-11037 SNHU Public Health

In your main/initial post, please address the following questions:

Instructions included-SNHU social & Behavioral Health PHE 525-11037

Part 1: Mechanisms of Inequity: How Mass Incarceration of Black Communities Impacts Health (about 125 words)

Part 2: Ecological Perspectives: Barriers to Achieving Health Equity with Mass Incarceration of Black Communities (about 100 words)

Part 3: Overcoming Barriers: Strategies for Addressing Structural Bias, Social Inequities, and Systemic Racism (about 125 words)

Advocacy and Social Stratification: If a policy could immediately “fix” the mass incarceration of Black communities in the United States, why would it still be necessary to plan health advocacy efforts and/or support coalitions related to this issue? Try to form connections to Max Weber’s theory of social stratification (i.e., wealth, power, status). 150 words please

SNHU checks multiple web sites for turnition/ answer all questions by word count and seperate for discussion format-Thank you

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