Boxing in the U.S during the 20th Century. How people of color were able to overcome racism, adversity. And how they were able to be successful in the sport of Boxing in the U.S

Before you begin writing your research paper, you will write a two-page proposal. In addition to introducing your topic, this proposal should describe your research question and preliminary argument. A good proposal not only identifies the question you seek to answer, but also explains how you will answer it (what specific primary sources you will use, where you will find them, and how they address your research question). Furthermore, your proposal should explore the argument you will make in your final paper based on the limited research you have done to that point. Be sure to include citations where appropriate. All proposals must be typed, double-spaced, and carefully proofread. You should have one-inch margins and use 12 pt., Times New Roman font. Citations should be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style or another standard style guide (see description of the research paper for help with citations). You will also submit a bibliography that includes your secondary and primary sources. I want to know that you have a compelling topic and the sources you need to write a thoughtful, well-argued paper. Be sure to separate your primary sources from your secondary sources in your bibliography. Begin with your primary sources and label each section accordingly. Secondary sources must all be peer-reviewed, and you should use both articles and books. The bibliography must be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style or another standard style guide.
I Have some of the webcites/ sources and other ideas for this assigment. Just send me a message to go further into details. Thank you.Impossible Subjects written by Mae M. Ngai (This is the book to use for one of the citations)

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