Examining the Efficacy of reminiscence therapy in reducing Sense of Loneliness Among Elderly in a group setting

Topic of the paper:

Examining the Efficacy of reminiscence therapy in reducing Sense of Loneliness Among Elderly in a group setting

For this article, I need you to help me complete the literature review section only. You must use in-text citations and follow the APA 7th edition referencing style.

Literature review

The definition of three variable

Ø The definition of Reminiscence Therapy

Ø The definition of sense of loneliness

Ø The definition of middle old

Ø Try using different theories to explain how reminiscence therapy effectively reduces loneliness in older adults. I would strongly recommend that you use the Active Aging Theor and Attachment Theory. (ard 450 words)

Here are the relevant references I have found, which you can use. You may also cite other references to complete the literature review section.

2. Empirical study on the effectiveness of reminiscence therapy in Taiwan

(Study 1) (The name of the article: The effects of reminiscence therapy on psychological well-being, depression, and loneliness among the institutionalized aged)

Ø Overview of a study conducted in Taiwan involving 92 male participants aged 65 and above

Ø Explanation of the controlled experimental design used to assess the impact of reminiscence therapy on psychological well-being, depression, and loneliness

Ø Key findings demonstrating that reminiscence therapy effectively reduces elderly feelings of loneliness on institutionalized elderly males

Ø Analysis of how group dynamics in reminiscence therapy contribute to emotional validation, social connections, and a sense of belonging

(Study 2) (The name of the article: The Effects of Reminiscence Group Therapy on Self-esteem Depression, Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Elderly People Living Alone)

Ø Overview of a study examining whether reminiscence group therapy (RGT) effectively alleviates loneliness among older adults living alone.

Ø Description of the study’s participant distribution: 12 elderly individuals in the experimental group and 14 in the control group.

Ø Findings indicating that RGT fosters a more self-assertive attitude, helping participants overcome loneliness and enhance life satisfaction.

(Study 3) (The name of the article: Intergenerational Group Reminiscence: A Potentially Effective Intervention to Enhance Elderly Psychosocial Wellbeing and to Improve Children’s Perception of Aging)

Ø Summary of a study evaluating the effectiveness of a six-hour reminiscence group therapy (RGT) program in reducing loneliness among elderly participants of Italian origin.

Ø Key findings affirming the intervention’s success in alleviating overall feelings of loneliness.

Ø Notable distinction observed: while emotional loneliness significantly decreased post-intervention, social loneliness showed no comparable improvement.

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