Research Question: How does the implementation of scheduled sensory breaks affect the duration of on-task behavior in an 8 year old with Autism during structured therapy sessions at an ABA clinic.

8. Research Project on Autism:

  1. Part 1: Topic – listed above
  2. Part 2: Research Questions Write research question/s related to your chosen topic that you hope to answer. Make sure these are questions you will be able to answer with data you collect.
  3. Part 3: Literature Review Write a literature review providing a basis for the project you have chosen to complete. This will serve as the research base for your project and should give validity to the topic you have chosen. The literature from EDS 530 should serve as the basis for this literature review.
  4. Part 4: Methods Write a methods section for your project. This is to include information related to: participants, procedure, and data analysis. Make sure your procedures are written specifically enough that they could be replicated.
  5. Part 5: Results Data will be collected after implementing your IV. All results will be graphed and thoroughly explained.
  6. Part 6 Discussion Complete the discussion section of your project. This is where you restate the original purpose of the study and relate your findings to previous research. In addition, you describe any limitations of the study and future research directions.
  7. Part 7 References Reference: make sure to include all references used within your literature review and project in APA style. All references included in the paper need to be in the reference section and vice versa.
  8. Part 8 Appendices (in a separate document from the paper): If you have any measures, data collection sheets, etc that need to be included in your project those need to be included in the appendix. Everything within the appendix also needs to be referenced within your paper.
  9. Part 9 Abstract: After your paper is complete, you need to write an abstract which provides the reader with a brief overall view of your paper (no more than 150 words).

Your final paper should include: title page, abstract, literature review, method section, results, discussion, references, and graphs/tables (in that order). I would also like to see evidence of data collection within the appendix. This is not to be included within the paper; it is to be provided in a separate document. This is just for me to review.

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