Discussion 8 – Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation Considerations: Relevant Content Elements When Serving Audiences


  1. The initial posts should be substantive and a minimum of two paragraphs in length (200 to 600 words)
  2. Ensure you use proper grammar, word choice, syntax, and writing mechanics.
  3. Properly cite and reference.
  4. Media-related examples

Note: I will provide the readings and other materials associated with the assignment. Please make sure to cite from the reading and other course material.

Discussion prompt:

Please critically reflect on the readings, lectures, and videos to answer the following questions/prompts:

  1. Find an advertisement that does not “hit the mark” when attempting to target audiences based on gender, sex, or sexuality. Share the link at the beginning of your response. Based on what you’ve learned this week, why do you feel this ad is ineffective at serving its intended audiences?
  2. Identify and describe at least two appropriate and sensitive content elements for appealing to audiences using sex, gender, or sexual orientation segmentation strategies (select one).

Link to reading:

  • Gender Marketing: Should Marketers Shape or Shatter Stereotypes?- https://www.spiralytics.com/blog/gender-marketing-should-marketers-shape-stereotypes/
  • What is gender marketing?- https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/online-marketing/online-sales/gender-marketing-definition-and-implementation/
  • Shattering Gendered Marketing-https://www.ama.org/marketing-news/shattering-gendered-marketing/
  • Gender Marketing or Gender-Neutral?-https://www.strategydrivenmarketing.com/news/2019/7/9/gender-marketing-or-gender-neutral
  • ‘Harmful’ gender stereotypes in adverts banned-https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48628678
  • Gender Marketing: How Brands Use the Power of Colors To Persuade You- https://www.supermoney.com/colors
  • Advertisers Come Out Of The Closet, Openly Courting Gay Consumers-https://www.npr.org/2014/06/29/326524942/advertisers-come-out-of-the-closet-openly-courting-gay-consumers
  • 5 Best Practices for your LGBTQ+ Marketing Campaign-https://nationallgbtmediaassociation.com/5-best-practices-for-your-lgbtq-marketing-campaign/
  • Four Tips for Marketing to the LGBTQ+ Community-https://www.crresearch.com/blog/four-tips-for-marketing-to-the-lgbtq-community/
  • From throwing beer bottles to rainbow beer bottles-https://www.marketplace.org/2019/06/25/how-pride-celebrations-became-marketing-tool/

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