2Position Statement and Peer Responses Parthenon / Elgin Marbles – Parthenon/Elgin Marbles Position Statement 2

  1. Name the debate.
  2. Presentation of the problem: This is the first part of your introduction. What is the context? What created the problem or perceived problem? Cite your sources.
  3. Acknowledgement/Response: This is often the second part of your introduction. Respond to objections to your argument or problems with your reasoning. For example, what are the drawbacks or cons of your position? Is there admittedly something missing? You should try to provide at least one acknowledgment of an objection or drawback. Do the best that you can here.
  4. Thesis (claim+reasons): This is the final sentence(s) of your introduction. Claim: What is it that your audience is to believe? This is your assigned position. Reasons: Why should your audience believe your position is the correct position or the right way to think about your claim? You need at least one reason, but you may have two or three. More than three is too many for this type of assignment.
  5. Evidence: You will have one body paragraph for each reason. That body paragraph will include a presentation of your evidence and a warrant. How do you know you are “correct”? What information /data do you have to support your reasons? You must draw evidence from at least one secondary source and one cultural artifact, but you may have more. You may include evidence from more than the minimum number of sources.
  6. Warrants: These statements are placed in the last sentence(s) of each body paragraph. It is possible that someone in the audience might not follow your reasoning, use a warrant to explain yourself. Explain how you got from claim and reasons-and for that matter your evidence. Overtly explain your logic.
  7. Conclusion: Your conclusion should begin with a restatement of your thesis (claim+reasons). Conclusions often offer areas for future research, questions for continued thought, and/or offer other ways of thinking about the problem/alternative solutions. At a minimum a conclusion restates the thesis.
  8. Works Cited: Include all works cited entries, even for Phidias’ work. Include your works cited here, without annotations. Add any entries for sources you used/added since you turned in the Works Cited Assignment.

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