The practice of Community Development is an important INTERVENTION in Social Work Practice. It seeks to address or respond to Social Problems in the community using a Community Approach. Pressing community problems that need URGENT INTRVENTION, include among others; high levels of poverty, youth unemployment, gender-based violence, high level of crime, alcohol and drug abuse, an exponential increase in teenage pregnancy etc. Write a short essay on YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN BOTSWANA: Causes and challenges – implications for community development. STRUCTURE OF THE ESSAY 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT – this section should focus on the magnitude of the problem (i.e. how big is the problem of youth unemployment in Botswana?). Do background research, provide statistics and trends 3. CAUSES: What are the ROOT causes and challenges of youth unemployment in Botswana? 4. RESPONSE: What is being done to address the causes and challenges referred to above? As a student of Community Development – How can you use CD as an INTERVENTION STRATEGY to address the challenges of youth unemployment in Botswana? Length: 3 pages
Write an essay on YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN BOTSWANA: Causes and challenges – implications for community development. Your essay should include background and context, intext citation and references
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