WK 633-001 Forensic Social Work and Domestic Violence – Legal, Cultural, Ethnic, and Religious Issues in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems

Identify 2 recent* newspaper articles/media reports that connect with the course content of this class (i.e.) Domestic Violence and Social Work [recent* = the article should have been published anytime from January 2024 – January 2025] Examples: What a new immigration directive could mean for domestic violence victims https://19thnews.org/2025/01/ice-trump- immigration-sensitive-zones-domestic-violence/ One City’s Attempt to Change How Domestic Violence is Tackled: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/03/us/texas-do- mestic-violence-rehabilitation.html?searchResultPosition=5 Tracking a Single Day at the National Domestic Violence Hotline: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/21/us/ domestic-violence-hotline.html?searchResultPosition=12 Domestic Violence Victims Reported Abuse. Caseworkers Watched Them Too. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/31/nyregion/domestic-violence-victims-child-welfare-surveillance.html?searchRe- sultPosition=15/giardian We Keep Domestic Violence Shelters Secret. Who Is That Really Helping? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/12/ opinion/domestic-violence-public-shelters.html?searchResultPosition=22 140 women and girls on average were killed by a loved one every day last year, UN finds https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/140-women-and-girls-on-average-were-killed-by-a-loved-one-every-day-last- year-un-finds For each article: 1. 2. Write a short summary of the article: what is the issue? who has been affected? Identify 3 key learning points (i.e.) what were the 3 issues that you found most interesting/concerning/challenging in the article? It’s possible that the article identified an issue regarding domestic violence that you had not been aware of prior. What questions does the article raise for social work in 2025 (i.e.) why is this a critical issue and what can social work contribute to addressing the issue (you can discuss policy, research and/or practice) 3. 2 2 of • The paper should be submitted to me via email before 6PM on Class 5. View the course syllabus for detailed information on the policy for late assignments. The paper should conform to APA style throughout [http://www.a- pastyle.org] • The paper should be a minimum of 4 pages (typed; 12 point font; double spaced; 1 inch margin). The required page length/word count does not include a title page or list of references. • Ensure that you provide a list of references. You should have a minimum of 4 references. 2 of these references will be the articles you have chosen but you should use additional references to support the points you are mak- ing in your paper. For example, if you chose an article on domestic violence and immigration – you might find references in the article to other reports and/or articles discussing the topic. You could use these articles to am- plify the points you are making. • Please ensure you have used grammar/spell checking on your paper before submitting • Pay attention to issues of academic integrity and ensure you have properly attributed all sources in your paper.

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