Please write a research paper for the Research Project: Data-Driven Segmentation and Targeting in China’s Mineral Resource Supply Chain: A Quantitative Study of Industry Buyers and TradersYou need to conduct relevant research and read relevant scholarly work before starting to write the paper.Requirements1. This Paper should be at least 2000 words, excluding bibliography and References2. This Paper should cite and use at least 10 sources. All the sources must be scholarly sources. Please do not use Articles published on the predatory journals, fake scientific papers, and fake references. You must use the famous academic database to search for sources, such as Web of Sciences and Scopus/Elsevier/Academic Search Complete.3. This Paper should follow the academic structure for a social sciences/business research paper, which should include introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion (Your introduction paragraph should consist of a short literature review, your research motivations and your arguments; and your body paragraphs should include your research methods (quantitative research methods) and your investigations into this topics; your conclusion paragraph should include your general conclusions4. Please use Chicago Manual Style for this paper. We use the Chicago/Turabian (16th Edition) footnote style for both footnotes and bibliographic citations. Please visit the website for more information: Try to include quantitative charts or data in your paper (you can copy these charts from the articles you cited. Don’t forget to give the citation to these charts.Recommended Journal/Scholarly Sources: (you can use the “Searching Function” of these journals to search relevant sources related to China and your research topic)1. Journal of Marketing China Economic Review3. Journal of Marketing Research4. Marketing Science5. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science6. The China Quarterly7. Journal of Contemporary China8. Chinese Management Studies9. China & World Economy10. The Chinese Economy
【Chinese Studies Research Paper】Data-Driven Segmentation and Targeting in China’s Mineral Resource Supply Chain: A Quantitative Study of Industry Buyers and Traders
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