Hello there!
My assignment is about Faberge and I would like you to finish my assingment, and overdo some parts that I had already written. Please do not use ChatGPT. Please keep the style of the document format the same. The parts that are in yellow should be either extended a bit and or changed. What is already written down and not in yellow could be slightly adjusted but is not necessary. Where there are topic points but no text yet, please write the text there.
I will attach 5 documents
– One is the explanation of the assignment in detail and per chapter (Assignment instructions Faberge realising the true potential as an iconic brand)
– One is the document that you will be writing the assignment in (Exchange Study Abroad Deficiency Assignment Liliana Victoria Kort 0997476 – New Version 1)
– Two documents with the case information about Fabergé (1. Fabergé the potential of an iconic
brand 2. Towards a model of entrepreneurial behaviour an evaluation of the history of Fabergé from 1842 to 2017)
– The rubric to this assignment (rubric study abroad deficiency assignment)
The other documents could be useful but are not strictly necessary.
The following links could be useful:
If there are any questions, please donnot hesitate to contact me.