Choose a subject (medical-related or information
that you’ve seen in the news and ask yourself these questions:
Who said it? :
Someone you know personally? A person in
power, such as an doctor? Another type of public Instructor or a movie star?
What did they say?
Were they giving their opinion on a
subject or facts? If it was facts were they giving all the facts? Do you think
the facts were not complete, they didn’t give the whole picture?
Did they have a reason for saying it?
If it was their opinion was it weighted
to influence people to their cause? Were they presenting selected facts to make
themselves or someone else look good?
What was the manner of their statement?
Were they happy or angry? Was it written
or spoken? Was their statement easily understood or confusing?
When you’ve asked those questions of yourself write down the
statement you were examining and the conclusions you came too and why you
arrived at them. Prioritize your conclusions in the order in which they most
influenced your decision.