Technology position paper supporting automated trucking (no driver) in the United States.
Present a balanced discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of automated trucking (no driver) in the context of IS/IT (Information Systems/Information Technology), and the discussion must support the issue. The discussion may include strategies employed by businesses or organizations to obtain or maintain a competitive advantage using the technology. How does (or will) the technology you are interested in affect business, its processes, the structure of enterprises, and what do you see as the short-term, mid-term and long-term effects of the technology’s implementation and use.
The paper should be formatted as double spaced (0 point spacing between lines, since the paper must already be double spaced), 12 point Times
New Roman font, 1″ left, right, top, and bottom margins. References should be single-spaced and placed at the end of the paper. Use the APA style manual (latest version) to guide citations, references and other formatting issues.Use MS Word format, since the instructor will embed electronic comments and the
score in the document.
The paper must reference at least 12 outside sources. At least 6 of the sources must come
from refereed research journals such as MISQ (Management Information Systems
Quarterly), CACM (Communications of the Association for Computing Machines, JMIS
(Journal of Management Information Systems), ISR (Information Systems Research), or
many others. This is only a partial list of possible publications, and is intended to be neither
exclusive nor exhaustive. The other 6 sources can come from such outlets as Business Week,
The Wall Street Journal, Info Week, etc.