In economics, we tend to think of capital as physical assets used to produce goods or services—for example, factories, raw materials, or land. But did you know that humans also earn capital when they pursue education or training that increases their employability and makes them more valuable to employers? In this week’s Strayer Talk (PLAY), Nicole Lapin shared her insight into recognizing your own value in the world.
Initial Post: Please write a few sentences describing a situation where you, someone you know, or someone fictitious has used their problem solving or agility skills to increase their human capital in order to get a better job or earn more income.
Response Post: To receive full points, please respond to at least one post from your classmates. Be sure to acknowledge their comments and further the conversation by adding your own insights or asking an additional question on the topic.
Grammar and Mechanics: Please keep in mind that Discussions are public forums, so be sure to type your post directly in the Discussion board (not as an attachment). Avoid language that may be offensive and double-check your grammar and spelling before submitting your final post.